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OA Solutions’ primary concern is the safety and well-being of our clients, partners and employees.  Being a virtual company for the past 10+ years, we are continuing to deliver services, without interruption, to our valued clients across Canada and the United States.

As part of our response to the COVID-19 pandemic, OA Solutions has extended its Business Continuity Plan to include a number of safety precautions, including:

  • Suspension of all non-essential travel

  • Employing the use of video conferencing in lieu of customer-facing engagements

  • Cancelling employee attendance at any non-critical business-related meetings for conferences

OA Solutions is an innovative company with over 90% of our staff working remotely on a daily basis. Thus, during these unprecedented times, we are well positioned to provide our usual high standard services, including consulting, systems support and help desk support without any service interruption to our clients. Emergency occurrences will continue to be serviced at the highest level of priority.  Our flexible and mobile operating model facilitates secure access to critical business systems in any geographic location and any time of the day or night.

We understand that many of our clients have been forced to re-engineer their daily operations based on local, provincial/state and federal guidelines.  OA Solutions is working with its clients, tailoring our delivery model to meet the individual requirements of each institution. 

We will continue to monitor the situation and update our approach and plan based on guidance from relevant health and governmental agencies.

Please know that OA Solutions is here to respond to your current needs and support any and all transformation activities that may be required at your institution.

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